■蒼き象のマストドンサーバー。2017年6月にスタート。AWS上で運用されています。テーマは設けていません。(管理人的には少し時事ネタ多めです)どんな話題でも自由に投稿できますが、人種差別、外国人差別、性差別、民族差別、LGBTQ+差別などの差別発言やヘイト発言は厳禁です。またそうした発言につながるような発言も禁止します。 詳しくはサーバーのルールをお読みになってから参加してください。





Hackers' Pub에서 DOT 언어(Graphviz)로 다이어그램 그리기 · Hackers' Pub에서 DOT 언어(Graphviz)로 다이어그램 그리기Hackers' Pub의 숨겨진 기능 중 하나는 Graphviz의 DOT 언어를 지원한다는 것입니다. 예를 들어, 다음과 같은 다이어그램을 그릴 수 있습니다: SimpleActivityPub server_a 서버 A (Mastodon) server_b 서버 B (Hackers' Pub) server_a->server_b ActivityStreams 데이터 전송 (HTTP POST) server_b->server_a 응답 및 상호작용 (HTTP POST) Graphviz를 이용하는 법은 간단합니다. Markdown의 코드 블럭 문법 안에 DOT 언어로 다이어그램을 기술하신 뒤, 코드 블럭의 언어 태그에 graphviz를 붙이시면 됩니다. 위에서 예를 든 다이어그램은 Markdown에서 아래와 같이 쓰면 됩니다: ```graphviz digraph SimpleActivityPub { graph [rankdir=LR, fontname="sans-serif", bgcolor="white"]; node [fontname="sans-serif", shape=box, style="rounded,filled"]; edge [fontname="sans-serif"]; server_a [label="서버 A\n(Mastodon)", fillcolor="#AED6F1"]; server_b [label="서버 B\n(Hackers' Pub)", fillcolor="#A3E4D7"]; server_a -> server_b [label="ActivityStreams 데이터 전송\n(HTTP POST)", color="red"]; server_b -> server_a [label="응답 및 상호작용\n(HTTP POST)", color="blue"]; } ``` 참고로 Graphviz는 긴 게시글 뿐만 아니라 단문에서도 똑같이 지원합니다.

제가 開發(개발)하고 있는 프로젝트 Hackers' Pub의 베타 테스터를 모십니다!

이 프로젝트는 #聯合宇宙(연합우주)(fediverse)() velog 같은 것으로, 소프트웨어 開發者(개발자)()#ActivityPub 基盤(기반)의 SNS () 블로그 플랫폼입니다. AGPL-3.0 라이선스로 소스 코드가 公開(공개)되어 있을 뿐 아니라, GitHub에서 프로젝트를 公開的(공개적)으로 進行(진행)하고 있습니다.

職業(직업)으로든 趣味(취미)로든 소프트웨어를 開發(개발)하시는 분들, 聯合宇宙(연합우주)를 좋아하시는 분들, 새로운 플랫폼을 써 보고 싶으신 분들은 부디 參與(참여)해 주시기 바랍니다! 關心(관심) 있으신 분들은 ()글이나 DM으로 이메일 住所(주소)를 보내주시면 됩니다.

hackers.pubHackers' PubHackers' Pubは、ソフトウェアエンジニアが知識と経験を共有する場所です。また、ActivityPubに対応したソーシャルネットワークでもあり、フェディバース(fediverse)で気に入ったハッカーをフォローして、最新の投稿をフィードで受け取ることができます。

拡散希望:開発中のプロジェクトHackers' Pubの日本語ベータテスターを募集します!



hackers.pubHackers' PubHackers' Pubは、ソフトウェアエンジニアが知識と経験を共有する場所です。また、ActivityPubに対応したソーシャルネットワークでもあり、フェディバース(fediverse)で気に入ったハッカーをフォローして、最新の投稿をフィードで受け取ることができます。

Just published a post about Hackers' Pub's unique username change policy! Unlike most #fediverse platforms, they allow a one-time username change while preserving your connections and content history. It's all possible thanks to some clever #ActivityPub implementation using UUID-based actor URIs instead of username-based ones. If you're interested in trying it out, the platform is currently in invitation-only beta—check the post for details on how to request access! · Hackers' Pub Introduces Flexible Username Changes: Breaking the Fediverse NormHackers' Pub is a community-focused platform where programmers and technology enthusiasts share knowledge and experiences. As an ActivityPub-enabled social network, it allows users to connect with others across the broader fediverse ecosystem, bringing technical discussions and insights directly to followers' feeds. In the fediverse landscape, your username is typically set in stone once chosen. Most ActivityPub-powered platforms like Mastodon, Pleroma, and others enforce this permanence as a fundamental design principle. However, Hackers' Pub is charting a different course with a more flexible approach to digital identity. One-Time Username Change: Freedom with Responsibility Unlike most fediverse platforms, Hackers' Pub now allows users to change their username (the part before the @ in your Fediverse handle) exactly once during the lifetime of their account. This policy acknowledges that people grow, interests evolve, and the username that seemed perfect when you joined might not represent who you are today. This one-time change limit strikes a careful balance—offering flexibility while maintaining the stability and reliability that's essential for a federated network. Username Recycling: New Opportunities When you change your username on Hackers' Pub, your previous username becomes available for other users to claim. This recycling mechanism creates new opportunities for meaningful usernames to find their most fitting owners, rather than remaining permanently locked to accounts that no longer use them. For newcomers to the platform, this means a wider selection of desirable usernames might become available over time—something virtually unheard of in the traditional fediverse ecosystem. Link Preservation: Maintaining Digital History Worried about broken links after changing your username? Hackers' Pub has implemented a thoughtful solution. All permalinks containing your original username will continue to function until someone else claims that username. This approach helps preserve the web of connections and conversations that make the fediverse valuable. This temporary preservation period gives your connections time to adjust to your new identity while preventing immediate link rot across the federation. The Technical Foundation: ActivityPub Actor URIs What enables Hackers' Pub to offer username changes while other fediverse platforms can't? The answer lies in how actor identities are implemented at the protocol level. Hackers' Pub uses UUID-based actor URIs that don't contain the username. For example, a user with handle @hongminhee has an underlying ActivityPub actor URI that looks like Since the username isn't part of this permanent identifier, it can be changed without breaking federation connections. This contrasts sharply with platforms like Mastodon, where a user @hongminhee has an actor URI of With the username embedded directly in the URI, changing it would break all federation connections, which is why these platforms don't allow username changes. This architectural choice gives Hackers' Pub the technical flexibility to implement username changes while maintaining account continuity across the fediverse. GitHub-Inspired Approach Those familiar with GitHub might recognize this model—Hackers' Pub has adapted GitHub's username change policy for the fediverse context. This approach brings the best of both worlds: the option for identity evolution from centralized platforms and the federation benefits of the fediverse. What This Means for Users For Hackers' Pub users, this policy offers a significant advantage over other fediverse instances: You can correct an unfortunate username choice Your online identity can evolve as you do Your content history remains intact during the transition You maintain your social connections despite the change The Future of Fediverse Identity Hackers' Pub's username policy represents an interesting experiment in the fediverse—testing whether more flexible identity management can coexist with the stability needed for federation. If successful, we might see other platforms adopt similar approaches, creating a more adaptable yet still interconnected social web. For now, users should consider this policy a compelling reason to choose Hackers' Pub as their fediverse home, especially if username flexibility matters to their online experience. Hackers' Pub is currently in invitation-only beta. If you're interested in trying out the platform and its unique username policy, please leave your email address in the comments below. We'll add you to the allowlist, enabling you to sign up directly on the website. Note that this doesn't involve sending invitation emails—your address will simply be approved for registration when you visit the signup page.

Hackers' Pub Introduces Flexible Username Changes: Breaking the Fediverse Norm · Hackers' Pub Introduces Flexible Username Changes: Breaking the Fediverse NormHackers' Pub is a community-focused platform where programmers and technology enthusiasts share knowledge and experiences. As an ActivityPub-enabled social network, it allows users to connect with others across the broader fediverse ecosystem, bringing technical discussions and insights directly to followers' feeds. In the fediverse landscape, your username is typically set in stone once chosen. Most ActivityPub-powered platforms like Mastodon, Pleroma, and others enforce this permanence as a fundamental design principle. However, Hackers' Pub is charting a different course with a more flexible approach to digital identity. One-Time Username Change: Freedom with Responsibility Unlike most fediverse platforms, Hackers' Pub now allows users to change their username (the part before the @ in your Fediverse handle) exactly once during the lifetime of their account. This policy acknowledges that people grow, interests evolve, and the username that seemed perfect when you joined might not represent who you are today. This one-time change limit strikes a careful balance—offering flexibility while maintaining the stability and reliability that's essential for a federated network. Username Recycling: New Opportunities When you change your username on Hackers' Pub, your previous username becomes available for other users to claim. This recycling mechanism creates new opportunities for meaningful usernames to find their most fitting owners, rather than remaining permanently locked to accounts that no longer use them. For newcomers to the platform, this means a wider selection of desirable usernames might become available over time—something virtually unheard of in the traditional fediverse ecosystem. Link Preservation: Maintaining Digital History Worried about broken links after changing your username? Hackers' Pub has implemented a thoughtful solution. All permalinks containing your original username will continue to function until someone else claims that username. This approach helps preserve the web of connections and conversations that make the fediverse valuable. This temporary preservation period gives your connections time to adjust to your new identity while preventing immediate link rot across the federation. The Technical Foundation: ActivityPub Actor URIs What enables Hackers' Pub to offer username changes while other fediverse platforms can't? The answer lies in how actor identities are implemented at the protocol level. Hackers' Pub uses UUID-based actor URIs that don't contain the username. For example, a user with handle @hongminhee has an underlying ActivityPub actor URI that looks like Since the username isn't part of this permanent identifier, it can be changed without breaking federation connections. This contrasts sharply with platforms like Mastodon, where a user @hongminhee has an actor URI of With the username embedded directly in the URI, changing it would break all federation connections, which is why these platforms don't allow username changes. This architectural choice gives Hackers' Pub the technical flexibility to implement username changes while maintaining account continuity across the fediverse. GitHub-Inspired Approach Those familiar with GitHub might recognize this model—Hackers' Pub has adapted GitHub's username change policy for the fediverse context. This approach brings the best of both worlds: the option for identity evolution from centralized platforms and the federation benefits of the fediverse. What This Means for Users For Hackers' Pub users, this policy offers a significant advantage over other fediverse instances: You can correct an unfortunate username choice Your online identity can evolve as you do Your content history remains intact during the transition You maintain your social connections despite the change The Future of Fediverse Identity Hackers' Pub's username policy represents an interesting experiment in the fediverse—testing whether more flexible identity management can coexist with the stability needed for federation. If successful, we might see other platforms adopt similar approaches, creating a more adaptable yet still interconnected social web. For now, users should consider this policy a compelling reason to choose Hackers' Pub as their fediverse home, especially if username flexibility matters to their online experience. Hackers' Pub is currently in invitation-only beta. If you're interested in trying out the platform and its unique username policy, please leave your email address in the comments below. We'll add you to the allowlist, enabling you to sign up directly on the website. Note that this doesn't involve sending invitation emails—your address will simply be approved for registration when you visit the signup page.