■蒼き象のマストドンサーバー。2017年6月にスタート。AWS上で運用されています。テーマは設けていません。(管理人的には少し時事ネタ多めです)どんな話題でも自由に投稿できますが、人種差別、外国人差別、性差別、民族差別、LGBTQ+差別などの差別発言やヘイト発言は厳禁です。またそうした発言につながるような発言も禁止します。 詳しくはサーバーのルールをお読みになってから参加してください。





Bridgy Fedの開発を引き継いだ非営利団体A New Socialの近況が明かされてる。役員紹介、財政支援プログラムとの提携、新しいブランドロゴの紹介など。

Bridgy Fed Configという設定ページが2025年4月上旬にリリース予定らしい。ブリッジのオンオフ、ActivityPubからAT Protocolにブリッジする場合のカスタムドメインの設定、ブリッジされた投稿の表示などができる。他の機能も追加予定とのこと。

#BridgyFed #Bluesky #Fediverse #Fedibird [参照]

Fedibird投稿の参照(2件) by IZA (他1件 / Some major updates from us today - our board of directors, a new logo, upcoming conferences, a settings page, and more!

I know better than to doom scroll on #Mastodon.

I'll disable the app on my #GrapheneOS phone and see how long I can go without using it. Sure, I could still doom scroll on my #Laptop or #Desktop running #Debian, but that's not the point.

Instead, I'm challenging myself to redirect my energy towards reading about Debian, Anarcho-syndicalism, and things that interest me.

Today was enough, and I'm taking control.

Let's see how this experiment goes. and are Hometown Mastodon servers for parents of all kinds, including biological and non-biological parents, foster parents, adoptive parents and people of all gender identities:



You can find out more at and or contact the admins @alex & @sydney

Mastodon hosted on is a Mastodon instance for dads, running the Hometown fork of Mastodon.

On #Mastodon there are now
381 verified accounts from #news organizations in
21 languages and on
116 instances.

236 were active today.

Some accounts, that were active today are
@winnipegfreepress (ENG)
@lemonde (FRA)
@universalhub (ENG)
@gitb (BAQ)
@HalifaxExaminer (ENG)

Find the whole list on:

Built by @mho

Google DocsVerified Media on Mastodon

🌞 Hello #fediverse! This is GBH #News bringing you the world from #Boston. It's 54F at Logan Airport and visibility is 3mi.

The Trump administration has placed all journalists at Voice of America on administrative leave.

Protests at Tesla dealerships have spread nationwide.

A green card holder described being stripped naked and put in a cold shower during an interrogation at Logan Airport.


@ErikUden This is not a minor issue. #Mastodon was all about #freedom. Now the number of arbitrary rules I have to obey makes this platform a hostile environment. Arguing with readability while the inferior #UX stems from deliberate developer decisions is quite ridiculous. Forcing me to repeat myself is a red line I hope you do not dare to cross.

Sad enough the #fediverse has become what it was trying to fight against.

I have a #Mastodon feature request. Could there please be a specialized emoji for the #XMPP logo? To put it beside one's name? It can draw attention to an XMPP "Chat ID" that one has put in one's Mastodon profile. Similarly, it would make sense to also have emojis for the #Deltachat logo, #Matrix logo, etc. Basically, every other #OpenSource federated network (#Pixelfed? #Peertube?) would likewise deserve an emoji.

This is so that Mastodonians can draw attention to the accounts they have on other #Fediverse servers. It's a visual cue, right by their names, inviting others to tap/click their avatars/names, and have a look at their profile, where further contact info could be presented. It would encourage people to use Federated services more, then display their involvement to others.