■蒼き象のマストドンサーバー。2017年6月にスタート。AWS上で運用されています。テーマは設けていません。(管理人的には少し時事ネタ多めです)どんな話題でも自由に投稿できますが、人種差別、外国人差別、性差別、民族差別、LGBTQ+差別などの差別発言やヘイト発言は厳禁です。またそうした発言につながるような発言も禁止します。 詳しくはサーバーのルールをお読みになってから参加してください。





I know better than to doom scroll on #Mastodon.

I'll disable the app on my #GrapheneOS phone and see how long I can go without using it. Sure, I could still doom scroll on my #Laptop or #Desktop running #Debian, but that's not the point.

Instead, I'm challenging myself to redirect my energy towards reading about Debian, Anarcho-syndicalism, and things that interest me.

Today was enough, and I'm taking control.

Let's see how this experiment goes.

@crossstitch @embroidery @christianstitchers @christianstitchers @christianartists @textilearts @fiberart @fiberarts @fibrearts @artsandcrafts @crafts @needlearts @charitystitchers @charitymakers @craftivists
Well, I can't #Doomscroll anymore for various reasons, but I can still #Stitch! So that's why I've been significantly more quiet on here lately. I've been working on re-stitching the projects in "Basic Cross Quilting" so I can *hopefully* do instructional videos for each project. (1)

Get off the #doomscroll and figure out what you are going to do for the next four years to combat this march towards autocracy. We all know it’s going to be bad. Sitting on social media or watching tv to see just exactly how bad is a waste of your precious time … and freedom. Actually #resist. Make yourself the most annoying caller of your senators and congressperson. Get on a first name basis with your state and local reps. Attend city council and school board meetings. Find out what organizations are supporting women, minorities, migrants, the environment, and join the one you feel you can help with. Find one or two newspapers you trust, and subscribe with paper copies.
And give yourself time to relax, and understand what you’re fighting for.

👀 Oxford English Dictionary word of the year: “brain rot”
- “the supposed deterioration of a person’s mental or intellectual state, especially viewed as the result of overconsumption of material (now particularly online content) considered to be trivial or unchallenging." - Few people are aware of how literally technology is rotting our brains, and how decisively compulsive internet use is destroying our grey matter.

The Guardian · Is doom scrolling really rotting our brains? The evidence is getting harder to ignoreSiân Boyle