■蒼き象のマストドンサーバー。2017年6月にスタート。AWS上で運用されています。テーマは設けていません。(管理人的には少し時事ネタ多めです)どんな話題でも自由に投稿できますが、人種差別、外国人差別、性差別、民族差別、LGBTQ+差別などの差別発言やヘイト発言は厳禁です。またそうした発言につながるような発言も禁止します。 詳しくはサーバーのルールをお読みになってから参加してください。





The #PalestinianPrisonersMovement : the struggle behind bars.

The issue of #prisoners is a cornerstone of the #Palestinian #liberation struggle and a driver of major uprisings against the #IsraeliOccupation.

Over 10,000 Palestinians are currently imprisoned in #Israel. The issue of Palestinian prisoners has come to the fore amid the ongoing #genocidal violence in #Gaza, becoming both a central demand in the on-and-off #ceasefire talks and a tool for #Israeli forces in their attempts to suppress #resistance in Gaza and the #WestBank. Hand in hand with this history of #repression stands the vibrant Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement, which has mobilized the masses, shaped public opinion, and contributed to pivotal #political, cultural, and social events, including Operation #AlAqsa Flood on October 7, 2023.

Over the past year, reports from Palestinian political prisoners have highlighted ongoing #abuse and #torture by Israeli soldiers. Despite this, the prisoners’ movement remains resilient, drawing strength from its long history in the liberation struggle. This article explores the movement’s history, the repression it has faced, and Israel’s decades-long efforts to dismantle it.


📢 UNRWA publishes 🗺️ map of #gaza humanitarian disaster:

UNRWA commissioner Lazzarini wrote: “Across Gaza, the delivery of the little aid allowed in has become overly complex, including because of insecure routes. Civil order has been destroyed. It can be reestablished by #ceasefire + accountability.”

📰 Full report (no paywall) on Middle East Monitor - MEMO 👇🏾



The Democrats lost the US election because enough voters can see through their hypocrisy, Biden and Harris are both #Genocrats - pretending to be Democrats to the American voter base, but in reality they are warmongering, power-dealing, Weapons-Company whores, doing arms deals in return for power. They deserved to lose, but unfortunately trump will be even worse for Palestine.